Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Christmas Gifts

 I watched the movie "The Family Stone" last night and it was all about everyone being together at Christmas. Seriously awkward movie, but I like it anyway.  I may take my brother-in-law's advice and head to the beach for Christmas. I like that idea.  Also, I want Paul to get a job that moves us to the beach.  He is looking. Does anyone know of any jobs preferably West Coast? Something that deals with conflict resolution.  I would move tomorrow to the beach if I could.

Okay lets talk Christmas Presents. I have no idea what to get anyone this year. I am wondering if I can take the "I am a poor grad student graduate and have to pay student loans off" approach.  I desperately want to send out Christmas Cards this year.  Is it tacky if I just send out a virtual Christmas card? You know-save the trees and all that jazz.  Also, any thoughts on inexpensive but rocking Christmas gifts that I can buy online so they will ship easily to Utah?

Want to know something I want for Christmas-Paul does not want me to get one of these and I can understand why.  I am sick and tired of having to carry Charlie everywhere in a blanket in the winter because despite my best efforts of making him wear sweaters and coats he is still freezing (he has no undercoat). Not to mention he always pees on everything I put him in. So I want to get a dog stroller.  I know ridiculous.  But I want one anyways- as long as I don't look like her. That is ridiculous. 
https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEhwQ4d-Mw9NUSfbAvs-riOcyPyBh5_ANauLwGk5V4DaNzSnBOfpBsZGn6gHM-K3qErAyGpSM5zZnQTpkzsOXpfFpPG4VLtpoBHCuUQYrAhdq1GDiB_dtNDj5djoztmWJLHux4HjtZo6CLD1/s1600/MountainBuggy-DoubleUrbanJungle-TwinBassinet.jpgPet Gear PG8030IB Ice Blue Ultra Light Pet Stroller

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